Tarakane Tsuki is an UTAUloid voiced and managed by KS72. An alien hailing from a cybernetic planet known as Zelebia, she found herself on Earth due to a mission trip gone rogue, and she stayed to "find her true calling"... whatever that may mean.
Welcome to the official Tarakane Tsuki webpage!
Please use the buttons at the top of the page to navigate the site.
We hope you enjoy your stay!

Eastern/Japanese Name: 宝音ツキ (タラカネツキ)
Western Name: Tsuki Tarakane
Release Date: January 31, 2017
Species: Zelebian Subhuman, Type C
Height: 5'8"/173 cm
Weight: 120 lbs/54 kg
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Likes: shekelsweets (Zelebian native fruit), anything that's soft (clothing, certain animals, etc.), good views of landscapes, potatoes, hard rock/metal
Dislikes: being snapped at, corrected, or seen crying; injustice, turnips
(Note: This is not required for covers or songs!)
A monotonous yet curious alien, Tsuki is a passionate young lady with a desire to pursue what her heart is set on. She becomes easily absorbed with anything or anyone she is passionate about, sometimes to the detriment of her own health. While she may not understand "ush-lens" ("Earthlings" in her native Zelebian accent), since her arrival on Earth, she is fascinated in the various cultures that reside on our planet.



Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Tarakane Tsuki's official Terms of Use state that all users who download any voicebank from this page are responsible for knowing and following those specified terms.
Please head to the "Terms of Use" section before downloading!!


KS72 and other collaborators/contributors are not responsible for incidents or damages resulting from the misuse of any official material pertaining to the "Tarakane Tsuki" character or other content made by KS72 or others provided through this website. This applies to both first and third parties.Any and all terms specified here are subject to change without prior notice.

Terms & Definitions

"Tarakane Tsuki" refers to the character as mentioned on the "Basic Info" section of this website.
"KS72" refers to the creator and main contributor to the "Tarakane Tsuki" character.
"Official artwork" refers to any artwork of the "Tarakane Tsuki" character made by KS72 after January of 2017, or other artworks explicitly expressed to be made for contribution by other artists. Fan artwork in the "Gallery" section does not fall under this category, and are subject to each individual artist's own Terms of Use.
"Voicebanks" refer to audio samples and configuration files downloadable from the "Voicebanks" section to be used in the computer program known as "UTAU".
"Assets" refer to ANY audio or visual resources provided by the site, including voicebanks and artwork.

BY DOWNLOADING AND USING OFFICIAL ASSETS PROVIDED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE, YOU ARE INHERITLY RESPONSIBLE FOR INFORMING YOURSELF AND AGREEING TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS.❖ Redistribution of Tarakane Tsuki's voicebanks outside of linking back to this website OR her UTAU.wiki page is strictly forbidden.
❖ Credit to KS72 that is easily located is required in the description of any creative work using Tarakane Tsuki, including, but not limited to, fanart, covers, and original songs. Credit inside the video of any audiovisual works is encouraged.
Tarakane Tsuki's voicebanks and all raw voice samples contained within may only be used and rendered in the "UTAU" and "OpenUTAU" softwares. Any other usage of raw voice clips provided in these voicebanks outside of those specified software programs, including other vocal synth programs and machine learning / A.I. learning software is strictly forbidden.
❖ Any voice clips provided by KS72 outside of the designated Voicebank folders on this website shall NOT be associated with the Tarakane Tsuki character, unless otherwise explicitly specified or when permission is explicitly granted to the third party.
❖ Tarakane Tsuki's character and voicebanks may NOT be used in any works depicting R-18 content (including explicit/lewd sexual content, graphic/realistic violence [fantasy violence does not fall in this category]), hate speech/propaganda, songs portraying child abuse (EG: "Gomenne Gomenne" by Kikuo), or used as a tool to hurt or abuse others, including slander. Any questions regarding specific songs shall be forwarded to KS72.
❖ Official artworks of Tarakane Tsuki shall not be traced or edited in any way, including recolors or edits into other characters.
❖ Derivatives or "pitchloids" shall not be made with the "Tarakane Tsuki" voicebanks, except in the cases where her genderbend "Tarakane Tsuko" is being portrayed.
❖ As of May 2023, there is no commercial license for the "Tarakane Tsuki" / "Tarakane Tsuko" characters or voicebanks. Until an official license can be implemented, commercial use of Tarakane Tsuki / Tarakane Tsuko is forbidden. Doujin use is permitted.

KS72 and Tarakane Tsuki are proud members of The AGL Group.